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Kevin is a Programmer
Hi, my name is Kevin Liu, I'm a programmer.
I gonna to build something cool.

Html Data Encryption

Encrypt your information with a offline, open sourced html file. I built it to save my passwords. you can find documentation in the demo link. But if you wanna try, you need to download the htm file at download link.

demo: http://kevin-pro.net/hde (key:123456)

download: http://kevin-pro.net/hde.htm
SHA1: D916FD7B285D9D0498B72CF7F69A4D9749E224B6

Whatsapp S+

Whatsapp 批量發送助手,效率直線上升🔝.

* 不再需要新增通訊錄就能發送

* 暫存發送內容

interested ? let's discuss! this2kevin@gmail.com
About me
Play: Html Css Javascript Jquery Php Swift Laravel Mysql MongoDB
Prefered environment & Tool: Nootpad++ sublimeText sourceTree LinuxServer Putty Photoshop illustrator Paint.net
Prefered Work: WebDevelopment FrontEndDevelopment UED Design

some production for client: www.drchengec.com/